If you would like a PDF version of this prayer, please click here. Also, if you are in need of a prayer concerning suicide among youth and adults, please click…
“NO, NOT YET!” Luke 7:11-17 INTRODUCTION One day, we will all die! It is an inescapable and unavoidable reality of life. Indeed, while death is inescapable, its impact can still…
“WALL WRECKERS!” – “A Kingdom Emergency Part II” Joshua 6:1-10, 15-20 INTRODUCTION Walls are not new! They have been erected ever since ancient, Biblical times and come in all shapes…
“A KINGDOM EMERGENCY!” Isaiah 1:2-20 INTRODUCTION America has experienced two government shutdowns in as many years under the current administration! If the unprecedented, 35-day shutdown were not enough, the POTUS…
“YOU CHOOSE!” Psalm 1 Introduction Psalm 1 provides believers with a very simple and straightforward Biblical model for living a joyful life. The psalmist states plainly but powerfully: a believer’s…
“BLESSINGS FROM THE BOTTOM!” I Kings 17:7-16; Psalm 23:4 Introduction Normally, when members of the Christian community think about and refer to miracles, we habitually assume they are eye-poppingly abundant…
Sponsored by the CEO Ministry Scholarship Windsor Village Church Family is pleased to present an educational and career opportunity that you, the qualified applicant should not miss. We are inviting…
Become Certified or Get Re-Certified! The Windsor Village Church Family is a Safe Sanctuary environment. Anyone who works with our children, youth or vulnerable adults must first complete Safe Sanctuary…
We want to know how we can improve the Kingdom experience here at Windsor Village. Please complete the following survey. All responses will go directly to Pastor Caldwell for his…
“BLESSED BY HIS PRESENCE!” II Samuel 6:1-12 Introduction The significance of God’s presence in the midst of our lives today has been lost. The dynamics, “devilment” and drama of the…