We believe in the power of prayer which is why we are continuing our fellowship and prayer calls. MONDAYS – 7:30 PM Direct#: 346-248-7799 | Access#: 822 8775 3787 |…
We believe in the power of prayer which is why we are continuing our fellowship and prayer calls. MONDAYS – 7:30 PM Direct#: 346-248-7799 | Access#: 822 8775 3787 |…
The Windsor Village Church Family will be providing encouragement and support to our neighbors. We are partnering with the City of Houston and the Houston Food Bank to distribute food. …
Prayer Topic #14: A Prayer of Kingdom Fellowship Scripture Reading: Psalm 22:22-25, II Thessalonians 2:13 Reflections of the Heart: This is the ______ day of the Omer. “We praise…
Prayer Topic #12: A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Jesus Christ, Our Resurrected Savior Scripture Reading: Psalm 138:1-6, John 4:1-24 Reflections of the Heart: This is the ______ day…
Resurrection Sunday “THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO LOOK AT THIS!” Matthew 28:1-9 I. INTRODUCTION Bless The Lord! You are reading the first sermon notes which accompany a sermon via virtual worship. Basically, life…
Prayer Topic # 11 : A Declaration of Kingdom Financial Giving Scripture Reading: I Chronicles 16:8-16, Acts 1:1-8 Reflections of the Heart: This is the _______ day of the Omer….
Prayer Topic #10: A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb Scripture Reading: Psalm 19, John 1:29-34 Reflections of the Heart: “Christ, our Passover Lamb, has…
Prayer Topic #9: A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Passover Feast Scripture Reading: Exodus 15:1-18, Luke 22:7-30 Reflections of the Heart: As we prepare to celebrate the Passover…
Prayer Topic #8: A Prayer of Thanksgiving and Adoration to God (Father), Jesus Christ (Savior), and the Holy Spirit (Sustainer) Scripture Reading: Psalm 75, Nehemiah 9:5-15 Reflections of…
Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer for Our Pastors and Their Families Scripture Reading: Psalm 47, Psalm 1 Reflections of the Heart: Our Pastors carry an incredible weight that…