A Prayer Concerning Overcoming Addictions Scripture Reading: I Chronicles 16:23-30, Romans 7:14-25, 8:1 Reflections of the Heart: Sometimes, we experience things in life that grip us and won’t let us…

A Prayer for The Velosia Kingdom Builders’ Center – Kenya Scripture Reading: Psalm 148, Psalm 146:5-9, James 1:27 Reflections of the Heart: The Bible clearly states that we are to…

A Declaration of Kingdom Posterity Scripture Reading: Psalm 136, Isaiah 62 Reflections of the Heart: As a Church Family, may the Lord bless us and protect us. May the Lord…

A Declaration of Kingdom Faith Scripture Reading: Psalm 149, Hebrews 11 Reflections of the Heart: Faith is defined as belief that is not based upon proof. As Christians, we should…