Outbreak offers opportunities for youth

to develop a sense of civic responsibility and excel in their education.  

Would you like to volunteer in our Outbreak Ministry? We have orientation on the first Sunday of each month.  Preregister by clicking here!

Academic Tutoring

Academic tutors are available to assist students in the areas of math, science and English.  Tutors are available by appointment only.

Email Outbreak Ministry to sign up for academic tutoring or to volunteer as a tutor.

Boy Scouts

Helps young boys develop into leaders of tomorrow.

Email Ministry Connection to join this ministry.

College & Career Bound

Serves the congregation and its community partners by working with families to bridge the gap between high school graduation and long-term academic/career success. Whether a student desires to attend college or go directly into the workforce after high school, College and Career Bound assists to craft a plan for success.

Email Outbreak Ministry to learn more about these opportunities.

Girl Scouts

Provides contemporary programs that develop leadership skills and self-esteem in girls so that they become competent, resourceful women in today’s society.

Email Ministry Connection to join this ministry.

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Text WVMEN  or WVWOMEN to 833.518.2246
Outbreak Parents can text @outbreak19 to 81010 for Outbreak updates